I'm inspired by fresh air
The softness of my own hair
The moles that are now appearing in their rightful place upon my face.
The changes every couple of years that my body, mind and soul seems to make.
The desires, the dreams and ambitions that magically appear in my heart and mind
The many hats that I seem to be given by life which pertains to the varied roles on a daily I play.
The many dimensions of me that I am and others think I portray.
The words that come out of my mouth or that I write down to inspire myself and others to say:
"You've helped me, you've inspired me to do my own thing an walk my own way."
The visions at any moment and anytime of day,
on the screen of my mind that microfiches on display
I'm inspired by the positive and negative flows of life, wherever it may... lead me.
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