Customized poems for any event. Give your occasion an added special touch with Poetry 4 Every Occasion.
Monday, December 22, 2014
Friday, December 12, 2014
Dreams _ Again by Tracy Hand
are not a Reality
is not Imaginary
is Real
To live It
we must Dream
we must transform our Dreams into Reality
So they never become Imaginary
My Note to Tracy Hand:
I had a very heartfelt conversation with you and it stirred up emotions
of things you tried or thought you'd put to rest. It also reminded you of
the dreams you wanted to pursue, but somewhere down the line you forgot
about them, but now remembering you must put them to the fore front, and
begin again. I can't wait to see you transform the rest of your "Dreams into Reality."
Thank you for sharing this poem with me and allowing me to share it with others. This poem is more than beautiful.
Thursday, October 9, 2014
A Verse That is Free - by Jason Fairhurst Wall
Right now,
I need a verse -
a verse that is free.
Free to feel
and free to roam.
Free to love and to spurn.
Free to make myself at home.
A verse free
to take any turn.
Free to take a path that's straight.
Free to feel
and free to hate.
I need a verse -
a verse that is free.
This freedom is
enough for me.
(c) 2014
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Finding Poetry By Rachel Benson (The Word Glutton)
I’ve pulled poetry out of the shatter of broken bottles
And in the threads of stained sheets
Found rhythm in bluesy rants
And on the needle of scratched records of sordid yesteryears
Yes, I’ve caught stories in winds blown from haggard sighs
And abandoned cries that sat idly by on the corners of
Waiting to be heard…and written
I caught words riding on the wings of brief hellos and
forced goodbyes
My eyes have witnessed the prettiest poesy
In the ugliest ugly
I've learned that poetry lies between each scarring
Of blemishes and unwarranted hurt
Birthed from unrequited infatuations
And grown from uncultivated seeds
I have heard spoken word spill through sealed lips
That couldn’t contain secrets
Yet they remained mysteries
Because the flow of poetry offers anonymity
Even in its revealing
I’ve stepped in whole verses
Sprinkled in the aftermath of cumulus storms
Causing poetry to stick to the bottom of my shoes
Putting pulse in my walk… making me able
Able to walk words onto the spread of life
Finding poetry has afforded me the privilege
To pick beauty from the devastations
And place it in the center of wreckages of busted bubbles
Finding poetry has proven the existence of something more
We find our equals in admittances
And utterances of truth
Finding poetry gives voices and lends hands
To the quiet and the helpless
Little girls find their youth and little boys find their
People find their hope
When reading or hearing their lives poeticized and memorized
By someone else who recognized their cries
And they never even knew that they were spotted
In the cracks and crevices of nothingness
But when you find poetry
Thursday, August 28, 2014
I Need This Time
I need this time to be alone
Time to reflect
On me, and what will happen next
I need this time to think
Get a pad and permanently tattoo
My emotions with ink
No matter how many times you blink
You'll always see my words and stay forever linked
That is why I need this time
To get to know myself again
And discuss with my pen
About what I want to say
Then my hand will connect with my quill
Express how I feel
Then I'm left feeling good about the words
My pen chose to lay
On the thin paper sheet
Where my life and the tree meet
Quiet and discreet
My feelings as a secret is what we all keep
My life, my pen, my sheet
I need this time
*From the book "I Just Want to Write! by Until
To purchase a copy please visit
(c) 2014
Time to reflect
On me, and what will happen next
I need this time to think
Get a pad and permanently tattoo
My emotions with ink
No matter how many times you blink
You'll always see my words and stay forever linked
That is why I need this time
To get to know myself again
And discuss with my pen
About what I want to say
Then my hand will connect with my quill
Express how I feel
Then I'm left feeling good about the words
My pen chose to lay
On the thin paper sheet
Where my life and the tree meet
Quiet and discreet
My feelings as a secret is what we all keep
My life, my pen, my sheet
I need this time
*From the book "I Just Want to Write! by Until
To purchase a copy please visit
(c) 2014
Monday, August 11, 2014
There's a New Bard in Town...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE________________________________________
LOS ANGELES, CA--It is no mystery that ever since poet and writer Quanda R. Graves better known as Until, self-published her very first poetry edition; I Just Want to Write! It has been receiving great feedback. Ten years in the making and finally, July 3rd 2014, a dream come true.
Now, what seems to be getting more of a buzz is not just her presentation of what customers receive when purchasing her book, but the free spoken-word poetry CD that comes inside of the package. Just like the book, this is also Until's very first spoken-word poetry CD project and she wanted them to go hand in hand.
Word has it that people are in love with the creativity of it all. Until states in her own words;
"This CD illustrates what is known to be my moniker which is "Poetry is me. Therefore I am Poetry." When listening to this CD you will feel my heart, soul and my essence. Art, in its purest form. May you enjoy listening as much as I enjoyed creating it and putting it together."
What people are saying about Until's spoken-word poetry CD
is that not only do they love her poetry, they say it's original and
ultra creative and most of all they enjoy her voice. To purchase Until's
book "I Just Want to Write!" please visit her website and to hear her spoken-word poetry CD project please check out the video listed below.
Contact: Alethea Reece
U (Press Release) - August 9, 2014
With a new book along with a Spoken Word Poetry CD now and Wow!!!
U (Press Release) - August 9, 2014
With a new book along with a Spoken Word Poetry CD now and Wow!!!
LOS ANGELES, CA--It is no mystery that ever since poet and writer Quanda R. Graves better known as Until, self-published her very first poetry edition; I Just Want to Write! It has been receiving great feedback. Ten years in the making and finally, July 3rd 2014, a dream come true.
Now, what seems to be getting more of a buzz is not just her presentation of what customers receive when purchasing her book, but the free spoken-word poetry CD that comes inside of the package. Just like the book, this is also Until's very first spoken-word poetry CD project and she wanted them to go hand in hand.
Word has it that people are in love with the creativity of it all. Until states in her own words;
"This CD illustrates what is known to be my moniker which is "Poetry is me. Therefore I am Poetry." When listening to this CD you will feel my heart, soul and my essence. Art, in its purest form. May you enjoy listening as much as I enjoyed creating it and putting it together."
Poet Until Gives Birth...
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE________________________________________
Her very first highly anticipated poetry edition entitled: I Just Want to Write!
LOS ANGELES, CA--Quanda R. Graves better known by her pseudonym Until, resurfaced after an eight (8) year hiatus back in 2008. As she declared her road back to literary missions and reclaiming her soft spot for her first love, poetry. She then introduced to the world the launching of her very new website at that time. Her website reeked of who she was with the moniker of "Poetry is me. Therefore I am poetry." As she shared heartfelt poems that oozed of emotions, sealing her love for the Pen, Paper and Pencil.
Remember, poetry is Until, and Until is poetry.
Contact: Alethea Reece
U (Press Release) - July 26, 2014
U (Press Release) - July 26, 2014
Gives Birth to What?
Her very first highly anticipated poetry edition entitled: I Just Want to Write!
LOS ANGELES, CA--Quanda R. Graves better known by her pseudonym Until, resurfaced after an eight (8) year hiatus back in 2008. As she declared her road back to literary missions and reclaiming her soft spot for her first love, poetry. She then introduced to the world the launching of her very new website at that time. Her website reeked of who she was with the moniker of "Poetry is me. Therefore I am poetry." As she shared heartfelt poems that oozed of emotions, sealing her love for the Pen, Paper and Pencil.
2008 she has been making strides, fulfilling goals and manifesting to
others her plan of what she hopes to accomplish on her journey in regard
to the written word. As well as tease you with hints of whats more to
come, from her of course. Starting with creating her own company called,
QS: Writers Group, which caters to creative writing projects. Until
is also a literary columnist and journalist for the California
Crusaders Newspaper and contributing writer to the online Brutha Magazine. Furthermore Until is the youth director for "The Los Angeles Black Book Expo." As well as a radio personality for the radio show called Until and Harmony Live (currently on hiatus).
Until, has just recently self-published her very first poetry edition, (ten years in the making) entitled "I Just Want to Write!" Which has been a long awaited dream of hers. I just want to write, in her words,
"is a collection of poems and essays created to imprint the journey of my
love affair with the three P's; pen, paper, and pencil. Which
illustrates my dreams, ambitions and desires; with hopes of inspiring,
encouraging and uplifting all who will read it. It is my soul
inscribed for all to bear."
To find out more or to purchase your copy of "I Just Want to Write!" by Until, please visit her website at Keep and eye on Until,
as she has a poetry series on Youtube coming very soon. Meanwhile check
out her interviews with celebrities, authors and more on Youtube at
Remember, poetry is Until, and Until is poetry.
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Stronger by Until...
"Although our journey's may not permit us to always do the right thing or make the right decisions. It is important that you build your own relationship with GOD--so that when others don't understand, or want to judge, you don't have to worry because you've already built a relationship with the only one who matters." ~ Until...
We as humans always tend to forget, how often we are blessed
and all that you have done for us when be become distressed.
But please give us a minute to realize that things are not all bad because sometime before,
we've been in a much worse condition, wondering how we became or put ourselves in this position, start hoping and wishing;
When we should remember that it's only a situation, and there are some with more
complications, that come with heart palpitations and in our minds we know that things will work out fine, if we just stay stationed.
Because often we're panicking about what and how things are going to get better,
not realizing that it will, if we just let him. But when we stop to think and take a deep breath and say to ourselves;
"What was I doing before this disaster came my way? Oh, I know what it was, reading my bible and praying everyday, and if I go back to that, I can put on my listening ears again so that I can hear JESUS say:
"What was I doing before this disaster came my way? Oh, I know what it was, reading my bible and praying everyday, and if I go back to that, I can put on my listening ears again so that I can hear JESUS say:
I will take care of you even when you go astray.
Do not doubt me for I am your provider, dedicated
to saving the sinners and married to the back slider."
So, now we know that when disaster may come and upset us for a minute for a minute or two sometimes even longer; it doesn't matter, just continue to praise GOD and thank him and he will bestow blessings upon you, and raise you out of a situation you may be going through; just to make you STRONGER.
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Black Swan Publishing Presents...
Poet, Writer, Radio Personality, Now turned Author
Introducing her highly anticipated very first poetry edition entitled;
"I Just Want to Write!"
Publishing date July 31, 2014. To pre-order your copy now please
visit her website at
Until's Book Synopsis
"I Just Want to Write!-is a collection of poems and essays created to imprint the journey of my love affair with the three P's; pen, paper, and pencil. Which illustrates my dreams, ambitions and desires; with hopes of inspiring, encouraging and uplifting all who will read it. This is my soul inscribed for all to bear."
Introducing her highly anticipated very first poetry edition entitled;
"I Just Want to Write!"
Publishing date July 31, 2014. To pre-order your copy now please
visit her website at
Until's Book Synopsis
"I Just Want to Write!-is a collection of poems and essays created to imprint the journey of my love affair with the three P's; pen, paper, and pencil. Which illustrates my dreams, ambitions and desires; with hopes of inspiring, encouraging and uplifting all who will read it. This is my soul inscribed for all to bear."
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
A Better Person by Until...

"Writing helps to keep me in perspective. It helps me recognize my wrongs, it guides me to do right. I can't live without it." ~ Until... (From my upcoming book in 2014)
I let my pen take a ride on the highest flight of my feelings
I let my pen take a ride on the lines toward my spiritual healing
Inking out perspectives and analyzing all of my imperfections
Writing them down one at a time, dividing them into sections
What ever impacts me, I find time to take notes
I then recap by reviewing what it is I just wrote
And I see that writing down my feelings is the perfect antidote
for me to become a better person
This poem is from the book entitled "I Just Want to Write!" and to pre-order your copy now, please visit my website at
Publishing date July 31, 2014
This poem is from the book entitled "I Just Want to Write!" and to pre-order your copy now, please visit my website at
Publishing date July 31, 2014
Monday, May 19, 2014
Tired of losing... by Until...
I have life only because two people chose
To have the mistake that they made
Then before the decision
It was God's choice to give me life
So in the month of May on the 23rd day
I was born
So unfair that I had no say
In the choice that was made
I was sent here by two people
That I don't even know, strangers
Giving me orders and I'm made to obey
Taught not to stray from the teachings
Of the people I call my parents day to day
Now, that I know that God say's I'm chosen
Then I'm going to hell if I so happen to break
The laws he has created not to be broken
This life has nothing to offer me but I should appreciate it
I know not why bad things happen to me but I must not question it, just take it
I am to know that bad things and evil spirits will lurk to bother you
Even though I may not ever understand why
Just know that those things or spirits will attack you
I find this quite funny that life is something I'm supposed
To cherish for it can be taken away in a second of a heartbeat
And the life that I cherish, I love, I live, actually means nothing because I don't have the control of my life to keep.
If Im being good, why entice me to be bad
I'm I'm not bothering you, why must you provoke me to make me mad
I've giving hearted why must people take from me
If I'm trying to do GOD's WILL, why can't people let me be
If I've already went through a struggle in regard to one type of situation
Why must I go through the same struggle of the same situation
Before it can be one of the things in my life to go through the process of elimination?
How come I can't go through things and graduate to a new level
Like when you play certain games
Why must I stay stuck on the same level
And can never win to change
I'm tire of losing
Friday, April 25, 2014
Must have missed that? by Until...
My life has always been complicated
From the beginning until now
My mother says that I'm chosen
And honestly I just can't see how
I must have missed that! Lol!!
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Release by Until...

"This is how I deal with writer's block. LOL!" ~ Until...
(From the upcoming book "I Just Want to Write!" this April of 2014)
I'm not feeling good
I can't get the pain to ooze from my lips
I can't cry--so I just sit
Waiting for creativity to hit
So I can take advantage of the outlet that I'll get
But I gotta' feel it
Believe it
In order to spill it
To release how I feel about my pain
This poem is from the book entitled "I Just Want to Write!" and to pre-order your copy now please visit my website at
Publishing date July 31, 2014
This poem is from the book entitled "I Just Want to Write!" and to pre-order your copy now please visit my website at
Publishing date July 31, 2014
How to Love
Do you remember when Love was a mutual feeling between two people?
Tit for tat, if you, then I
You have to, I don't
But I'm asking whatever happened to your whole feelings in the situation?
Oh me, oh my, I sigh
Because whoever said that Love had to be a routine
and whoever said that Love had to be an order or an obedient command
Whoever told you that Love had to be mean
or anyone else that Love is a certain demand
I got lost about the definition of Love a long time ago
Besides Love to me is not what you say
It's an action that some people just don't know
I used to know Love once, but I dare not know it now
It's been so long that I can honestly that I've almost forgotten how...
How to Love.
But now it's more like, if you Love me, then I'll love you.
Or you say it first and then I'll say it to you.
People categorize Love as you do for me and I'll do for you
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Beautiful (All of the time) by Until...
Dedicated to Brian O'Neal: (A poem to go with his song called "Mesmerized")
Hey everyone!!! Today was the first day that I heard this song and it made me feel so free, so beautiful and sexy. It made me feel at peace, but I guess that's the power of music and the beautiful
people who create it. I've fallen in love with this song and I just wanted to say thank you to Brian O'Neal for bringing forth that feeling that lives inside of me being free from all of the burdens that sometimes life can bestow upon me.
and the day is as beautiful as a bird in the sky
enjoying the fragrances of the field of flowers that I am standing in
barefoot while my toes flirt with the grass and the dirt
As vibrant, colorful butterflies constantly flutter by
I feel so sexy, so radiant, I'm so thankful to be alive
My eyes are lightened by the sun
I am really enjoying me
Enjoying all that God created me to see
Becoming one with every breeze
Happy to finally be free
To feed the swans in the lake
Interact with the ladybug on my hand
A blue jay on my shoulder and together we stand;

mesmerized, as we watch quietly the willow trees sway back and forth
Bringing forth the winds to refresh the land
of the ever blazing heat ~ I love how nature speaks
I believe that this is how life is supposed to be...
Beautiful (All of the time)
This poem was published in Pure Thoughts Magazine.
This poem was published in Pure Thoughts Magazine.
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE________________________________________ Contact: Alethea Reece U (Press Release...